Welcome lovely creative wonderbeing. I'm so excited to meet you!

I’m a multi-passionate, deep-feeling creative whirlwind who has been an artist for 16 years. I’ve discovered ways to do what I abso-bloody-lutely love without having to choose one thing or niche, but without feeling overwhelmed and frazzled out.

I’m passionate about sharing that hard won learning with other creatives, enabling you to shine as the unique, amazing person you are!


Highly sensitive and exploring my own neurodivergence
Experience in exhibiting, artist residencies, selling online, commissions for education and charities and gaining funding for projects.
Over 15 years experience as an artist and illustrator
Studied creativity coaching, counselling skills and a teacher and trainer for 16 +
Qualifications in art up to masters level.
creative practitioner teaching art and craft subjects in formal education, community and adult education, for museums, galleries and arts organisations.
Sharing the creative process with thousands of lovely people!

My mission is to enable creatives to thrive exploring their many passions.

I help you bring to life the work that deeply resonates with you in a way that understands your diverse interests, amazing curiosity and powerful emotional depth - without having to choose one thing or burning out!


I wanted to take this opportunity to talk a little bit about the values I try to enact in my life and work:

✨ I believe your creativity matters.
✨ I love nature, and try to contribute to caring for it.
✨ I believe we need to take action against climate change and biodiversity loss.
✨ I believe in treating people with kindness and respect.
✨ I think everyone should have the right to safety, shelter and food but we all deserve so much more than this.
✨ I try to show allyship to the people of the global majority both through my learning, behaviour and by supporting organisations.
✨ I support LGBTQIA+ people and their rights.
✨ I wish to resist and defy the patriarchy and I consider myself a feminist 😉.
✨ I will never ever vote Tory.
✨ I don’t believe the label war justifies killing innocent people, and I do not support any actions that displace people from their rightful homes through oppression and violence.
✨ I know coaching isn’t affordable to everyone so I try to offer free and accessible opportunities too!

I am not in any way a perfect person and I make mistakes all the time, but I am trying every day to be a kinder one 🙂


I’m here to support the super sensitive, highly imaginative, multi-passionate creative wonderbeings!

You might identify as:

✷ Highly sensitive, ADHD or neurospicy.

✷ A multi-passionate creative, multipotentialite, or scanner.

✷ Someone who is making an income from their artform already, or be a dedicated and enthusiastic self-directed creative (I don’t believe there are hierarchies to how to connect with your creativity!)

✷ You might be a bit of an unique combination of the silly and the serious, on the geeky side or feel a bit of a misfit in mainstream creative culture.

And you could be struggling with:

✷ Working out how to juggle your many creative passions.

✷ Feeling overwhelmed with all the mixed messages out there about what creativity should be.

✷ Finding the advice to ‘just choose’, ‘niche down’ or ‘focus on one thing' frustrating.

✷ Feeling trapped and burned out by a creative business that is not working for you.

✷ Longing to be yourself and feel more free again.

Lovely creative, I’m SO here for all of who you are!


I have always loved making things.

I’ve spent my life exploring creativity and sharing this through my work as an artist, teacher and coach.

For over 15 years I have been an artist alongside working as a freelancer, part-time jobs, teaching, becoming a parent and the pandemic - always trying to find ways to connect with my creativity and share my art with the world.

I’ve experienced success and failure, big sales and financial worry, joy and burnout. I’ve done amazing, beautiful, wonderful projects I am proud of, aaaaand I’ve had periods where I was sure the only answer was to quit and get a ‘proper job’.

I’ve learned a lot along the way.

The turning point for me was realising that I needed to find ways to be creative that work with who I am. Not the past me in my old life with different dreams and responsibilites. Not the imaginary me in the unknown future who has it all together.

The real me. Who is neurodivergent and has limited energy levels. Who gets extremely excited about an idea to the point that sometimes I forget the boring to-do-list I made yesterday exists. Who longs to connect and share things with people, but also needs lots of quiet time to recharge. Who will always be sensitive, and a thinker, and care a little bit too much.

I also learned to create in a way that met my needs. I let go of some ideas that didn’t work for me. I embraced what does inspire me such as being in nature, learning about wildlife, dancing and music.

I found ways to work out what I wanted from different creative outlets. Some are purely for fun and to find a state of flow. Some feed the part of me that is curious and longs to learn. Others are my work from which I generate my income. And none of these are ever set in stone.

I now focus on supporting people as they navigate the path of their own unique relationship with creativity so they can understand, accept and embrace who they are too.

Some parts of my story have followed a more conventional route…

✶ Studying for an art degree at a respected London art college.

✶ Going on to get an MA in socially engaged and community arts.

✶ Gained experience working for amazing arts organisations, museums and galleries as a freelancer.

✶ Working in formal education on residencies in schools, and teaching in the community for people of all ages.

✶ Trained as a teacher for people over 16, and teaching in college, adult education and as a visiting tutor.

✶ Working as an illustrator for wildlife and educational charities.

✶ Exhibiting my work in galleries and shops and selling my art online.

✶ Teaching skills-based art and craft classes to thousands of people.

Others have taken me in new, unexpected directions such as…

✹ Moving away from working in-person with groups of people to focus on working with people 1:1.

✹ Making the choice to step back from exhibiting my artwork.

✹ Deciding to sell a lot less work online, and do a lot more art for fun.

✹ Beginning my training as a therapist, studying wellbeing through creativity and creativity coaching.

✹ Learning to hula hoop at 30, falling in love with circus arts and spending the last 7 years hoop dancing in my kitchen.

✹ Studying marine biology and entomology at home because I became fascinated by sea creatures and moths.

✹ Starting ukulele classes in my mid thirties because I’ve always wanted to be able to play an instrument.

✹ Collecting piles of vintage natural history books to better understand our relationship with nature (and for all the pretty illustrations!)

✹ Learning to sew so I could make my own clothes and costumes for events out of anything I could find.

✹ Developing my long term love of fantasy fiction into writing my own stories and creating my own worlds.

✹ Starting to study the stars as a beginner astronomer to help me appreciate the wonder of the universe!

Oh and if you’re interested in such things I am an Aries (but with a Pisces moon 🌝) an ENFP, a Manifesting Generator, Enneagram type 4 with a 3 wing and a Questioner!

Wondering where to get started on celebrating who you are and finding ways to create that work for your magical unique brain?

Sign up to my ‘Notes For Creative Wonderbeings’ newsletter below and I’ll send you some useful links and freebies!